And it tasted amazing. I'm not sure if it was because the bitterness (?) of quinoa was masked by fried mixed veggie and spam, or his preparation method was appropriate. Possibly because the pre-packaged quinoa has already been rinsed for the convenience of customers (saponins removed). Its texture was also quite interesting, a touch of crispiness, slightly more chewable than white rice.
I cannot live without rice. Now seriously considering replacing 1/7 of my rice consumption with quinoa. Nutrition values? Ah..high protein content! Dietary fiber! P! Mg! Fe! Ca! Also gluten-free to please the new trendies. According to Wiki, it's being considered a possible crop in NASA's Controlled Ecological Life Support System for long-duration human occupied spaceflights - don't ask me what it is, I've no idea. But anything that can bring me slightly closer to astronauts & spaceships... Voila! Welcome to my life!
"Our true home is in the present moment.
To live in the present moment is a miracle"
- Thich Nhat Hanh (Gift from K.H, thanks)
Two pieces of fine art @ Art Basel 2011. The first one is a painfully floating man approaching a white light; Second one somehow rings many bells, not just because of the familiar language and war-time poster characters. I've no strong opinion, yet appreciate it greatly.
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